Monday, November 12, 2007


I expected my son to read in kindergarten but I didn't think he would learn to add, subtract & now fractions.
The first day of school he had spelling words & I raised my eyebrows.
The fact is he can do the work. It amazes me how fast he can do it with the
right motivation. He wants to get on the computer so he just whizzed through
4 pages of homework. I remember the first month of school thinking I was going to pull my hair out. We would spend over an hour on homework.


Staci said...

Isn't it amazing?! Kindergarteners are like little sponges. They pick things up so fast.

vanessa said...

Great job C. Keep up the good work.


kimble said...

Wow, that is a lot for a child that young! Way to go Colin for getting it done!

Jun Bug House said...

I remember you that month.
Glad it has gotten better.