Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I love to scrapbook & I'm proud of it.

Article below is from scrapbook.com. I think it is interesting.

I have a confession. In my life I hardly ever mention to anyone that I scrapbook. It is like a secret hobby that I have. People who come to my house for the first time are often quite surprised to find my walls adorned with my very own creations and are quick to spot the scrapbooks lined up on the bookshelves. I have seen the horrified expressions on a person’s face when the subject of textured cardstock comes up in conversation, so I guess I would much rather avoid the judgment that comes with the scrapbooking label. The inevitable, “Just what do you need all of that paper for?” comment. You know where all of these comments usually lead, right? The final blow that comes veiled in the seemingly harmless statement of, “Well… I would do something like that, but I am just too busy cleaning, cooking and raising my family.” Ouch.
I love the preconception that there are dust bunnies the size of Mount Rushmore residing under my children’s beds, since I am clearly too busy playing with paper and glue to clean properly. I have been asked, “Do you think your kids will actually want these when they move out?” And, “You know that if there is a fire, you will have lost out on the hours of your life that you spent making these.”
So why do I do it? Why do we, as scrapbookers, put in the time with the paper and glue?

You can read the rest of the article at http://www.scrapbook.com/blog/view/121613.html

My opinion is below.
I scrapbook because I LOVE IT!!! I really don't care what people think or say about me doing it. I have my judgements about hours mindlessly __________ or _______ ...
It's my opinion, my right & who really cares.
We all have the same 24 hours in a day how we spend the time is our choice. If I spend it making my childs lunch, cooking dinner, blogging, watching a craft show on TV or cleaning my house. Who cares???? It's my time.
So lets not judge each other for our hobbies/passions or etc. Life's too short. Enjoy it.

OK to get the the real reason I sb (scrapbook). I want my family & generations to come to know about our life at this time. If they choose to look at the sb they will be available.
Life is not always pretty or wonderful but it is life. I scrap about the good & the bad. Most of the time the bad journaling is hidden.

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