Thursday, August 25, 2011

My favorite breakdancer

Colin has loved break dancing for years. He's had a great teacher & the teacher just opened a Dance Studio with his wife. We were hesitant in enrolling him because the cost of a private studio vs the park system was significant. I felt it was worth it so we are tightening the belt a little more. Hubby & I didn't think it was possible but I wanted him to be taught by Adam.

We went to the studio last night. Colin had no idea he had the same teacher; on the way to

practice he asked who was teaching the class. When I answered Adam, he said sweet. He had the biggest smile on his face.

We got to class I told him Colin may be rusty because he hadn't danced all summer.

At the end of the class I asked was he really rusty. Adam said I have been waiting for this day; he said he is maturing & he really listens. He said if he keeps listening to me; going at the rate he is, he will be one of my best students I've ever had. (Please ignore the bad grammar in my typing)

I was so proud. I can tell he's maturing too. We don't have the same battles with homework. He more easy going. He's always been a very happy child. I hope the year just keeps getting better.


Brown English Muffin said...

what awesome positive news!

kimble said...

That is soooo awesome Terri!

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